The (I mean, another) Kitchen Wishlist
Oh the kitchen... How often do we, as women, mutter words like "I'd love to have more storage in my kitchen", or "I wish this space was more practical", or even "I need more counter space/light/room in here!" We've all been there... even those of us with substantially large kitchens. On the kitchen scale (haha... didn't mean to make a pun!), I think we sit right around here in terms of surface area/workspace:Now you are not seeing double, and I did not make a mistake... once my husband saw my scale, he instantly pointed out that "oh we're probably more like around there!" So here is a second version:
Not exactly feeling like I can whip up a meal for 20 people in this space, but then again I will (hopefully) never ever need to do that in here! It's at least enough space for cooking for the two of us, though we have a hard time doing anything simultaneously in this space... It's a tad narrow and there's a lot of bumping that happens ... then the dog gets in there, and at that point I want to run away screaming. Rather than dwelling on the lack of space, I'd prefer to think about how I can improve (even more) on what I have to work with. In comes another wishlist. And the crowd goes wild!I realize this isn't all about function, but it IS important to have things you like to look at around you. Isn't that, after all, the reason we all put pictures on walls, and constantly visit places like Home Sense? (Our equivalent of Home Goods, for you American friends.)
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20Last item on my wishlist? Macy's, please come to Canada already!!! I may not have Martha's kitchen, but I sure would like some of her beautiful ware to work with.Since typing out this post and compiling the wishlist while the blog was down for renovations I have acquired a few of the wishlist items. I put a trash basket inside the cupboard door, but I got this one from IKEA along with the plastic bag dispenser, and they are both great! I also got the undershelf basket for the pantry, and plan on getting some more because they are SUPER handy!What's on your kitchen wishlist?