4 ways to get better sleep with Endy


I've always been a girl who likes to sleep in her own bed - I absolutely love the master bedroom retreat we've made for ourselves. No matter where I go, I always end up missing it, except a little while ago I found myself a little out of love with my bed. Was it the sheets? The pillow? No, my friend. It was the mattress. I fell WAY out of love with my mattress and that needed to change STAT!Enter Endy. We've now slept on our Endy for well over 100 nights, and I can safely say it's the best mattress I've ever slept on. No hotel bed has come close. Not even my old bed at my parent's house (which I thought I loved) can compare. Endy rules and I am ready to shout it from the rooftops. I'm also ready to share with you 4 ways to get better sleep now that I'm officially an expert.boy laying on bed, smiling. Mom and son at the edge of the bed, boy being tickled, mom's feet resting on Endy mattress box and Endy pillow boxes.Before Endy, I was waking up with back pain almost every morning and blaming it on my pillow - I'm a side sleeper and finding the right pillow had yet to happen for me (more on that later). As it turns out, a new mattress was completely life-changing and I've now said goodbye to back pain!Some of the reasons we chose Endy were:

  • It's not only a Canadian company, but their product is actually made here. That. Is. Huge!
  • I have never heard a bad Endy review - not just online, but from people I know who have them.
  • There was major peace of mind in knowing that if Endy wasn't the match for us, we would get a full refund and they'd even come to pick up our mattress within the first 100 days!

Some reasons we chose to stick with it:

  • No more back pain - that's an easy one.
  • Way better sleep. Like waaaaaaay better for both Marquis and me.
  • Not being able to feel the other person tossing and turning in bed. Let me put it more accurately... ME no longer being woken up in the middle of the night because Marquis does backflips in his sleep. I honest to goodness don't feel a thing and it's one of the most noticeable differences we feel when sleeping on any other bed now.

woman with darn hair on bed, smiling and holding two Endy pillowsWith all of that said, I wanted to share 4 ways you can improve your sleep:

Get a good mattress

Obvi. Get your hands on an Endy ASAP and bask in the feeling of having the best sleep of your life. Just do it. For all of the reasons I just stated above. You can also use code THELEARNER50 for $50 off your Endy purchase!

Use the right pillow

Have I mentioned Endy makes pillows, too? And that you can add or remove the little fam pieces to the inside depending on what kind of sleeper you are? It's true. And it's amazing. As a side-sleeper, this pillow has also been a major game-changer in how I feel in the mornings!

Soothe your senses

If you don't have two 4-year olds who wake you up at the buttcrack of dawn every single day since the moment they were born, invest in blackout blinds or curtains and enjoy every second of that glorious bed. Not having too much light hitting your eyes int he morning will allow you to sleep longer. On top of that, a room spray or even essential oils to add to a diffuser in soothing scents like lavender will help you get to snooze town in no time!

Set the temperature

It's actually better for you to sleep in a cool space - there's nothing worse than waking up sweaty in the middle of the night. Been there! So set your thermostat to around 70 degrees in the evenings and you'll be golden!woman laying on endy mattress reading a book, head on endy pillow with text on the bottom that reads "4 ways to get a better night's sleep"

This post was sponsored by Endy, but rest assured all opinions are my own! I love my bed, you guys. L.O.V.E. Remember to use code THELEARNER50 for $50 off your Endy purchase.


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