DIY Personalized Dog Dish Stand

Have you met Taco? He’s our Wire-haired Pointer + Poodle mix and he’s been in our family since December 2020. He was so teeny tiny when we got him, so we got him teeny tiny water/food bowls. Well, Taco grew. FAST! And I searched high and low for a new dish stand I liked, but either came up short or they were far too expensive! So naturally, I took the DIY approach and built a personalized dog dish stand using my trusty Cricut Joy machine!

*please note this post is sponsored by Cricut, but all opinions are always my own

For starters, I used scrap wood pieces from a past project - specifically, 1x12 pieces. Then I literally built half of a box with it! I used a jigsaw to cut the circles out for the bowls and painted using paint from another project, too!

Honestly, the whole thing was surprisingly so easy and simple to do! I kept it clean because anything with legs ends up with food under it, and Taco tries to get into it which leads to water spilling….. and I wasn’t about to go down that road again!

The nest step was to personalize this bad boy!

The easiest part - BY FAR - was creating his little name tag. I took out my Cricut Joy and used black vinyl to add on to a piece of 2 1/2” poplar.

A little paint, a little vinyl, some nails…. and we’re done!

And here’s the finished product. I think he likes it! What do you think?

CRICUT - Dog dish stand-10.jpg

Here are the materials I used:

easy DIY.png

Project Big Chill - A Kitchen and Dining Room Makeover


Organizing with Improve Canada