Finding Your Perfect
A perfect moment can so quickly be taken for granted, but when you take the time to savour it, to really basque in the delight of enjoying that little slice of perfection, nothing else matters. As a new mom to twin boys, perfect moments can seem both difficult to come by and like they’re happening all of the time. It’s a constant battle for balance, and perfection can look different day by day, even hour by hour. This push and pull of contradictions is most obvious in my two favourite times of the day: bedtime and the moment the boys wake up in the morning.
Bedtime is sometimes a finish line - you can see it far far away, and as it gets closer, you start to gain hope that something really good is about to happen. That something good can be so many things: silence, eating dinner, finally finishing that morning’s cup of coffee, folding the laundry that’s been in a basket for 4 days...anything, really!
Bedtime is also a time our boys know they can completely relax and when we become more relaxed, sitting in their dimmed room after feeding them, rocking them gently to sleep or just cuddling them for what always seems like too short a moment before placing them in their cribs. It’s the time my husband and I get to exchange looks of sheer bliss: we survived another day, we have really amazing babies, we’re so filled with love. Yep - all of that communicated in one look. And it’s perfect.
Then there is the early morning. I look forward to this moment every single day as much as I look forward to bedtime. The sun has risen, and it shines into their room. I can hear their babbles as I open the door, and as I approach their cribs, I know I’ll get to see their faces and I savour every second of it. Not because I get to see them for the first time (because by this point I’ve already been awake since 4am for their first official feeding of the day), but because it’s the first time they see me. It is nothing short of magical.
So my perfect moment is the one I never want to forget, but that can become so routine and mundane that it’s easy to do so. It’s the moment I get to pause, to breathe it all in slowly and enjoy the stillness that comes with motherhood, even if it is {very} short lived.Now we want to know, what's your perfect? Because in a world of curated social media accounts and Pinterest-perfect, we want to see what makes a perfect moment for you, so head on over to Instagram and share #YourPerfect for a chance to be featured on the Leon's Instagram account and on Hello Yellow!