The Friday Five: Scrumdiddlyumptious!
I am painfully aware of what a terrible pun or play on words or whatever that is in the title... but you know me. I can't help myself!
This week I'm bringing you the best recipes I have seen because let's face it, there's an abundance of goodness in the world of the internet around Thanksgiving and Christmas time, and though we have already celebrated Thanksgiving here in Canada, I thought this would be appropriate for all of you getting started on your Christmas baking. Whatever that is... apparently it's a thing real bakers and good homemakers do. I'm out. Let's try for next year? In the meantime, some inspiration...
Here are this week's picks:
Ummmm... YUM!!!!! First of all... butter cookies. Oh my dear, how I love them! Almost as much as shortbread. But not quite because shortbread is 100 million times better. Anyway, this recipe looks easy and totally delicious! See it all over at Creations by Kara.
.Spoiler alert: this cookie is made with 3 INGREDIENTS! Whaaaaaaat?!?!?! That's totally my kind of baking. Remember the peanut butter oatmeal bars? Trendy Treehouse has all the deets on how to be a holiday hero using all of three ingredients. Go now!.
Another three-ingredient recipe. WOE! Black bean soup! Looks delicious, right? Well guess what? Lauren Conrad cooked up 9 more 3-ingredient recipes for you to check out! .
6 ingredients. I am on a roll!!!!! K, so I can take credit for ummm... none of these recipes. But you know what I mean... These look amazing, right? Averie Cooks is a dream, and you will find about a thousand other amazing recipes there!
Holy canoli! Oh wait... no... it's ICE CREAM CUPCAKES!!!!!!! Yes, yes, yes! There is absolutely nothing wrong about these and so much right. Care of Domestic Fashionista - because she's incredible!
Now it's time to go see 5 more links over at The Thinking Closet! Lauren has been busy making some really really amazing things this week! You should definitely go see her Friday Five post and then check out how she's started making nautical awesomeness happen for her bedroom revamp and this really incredible garland that put a tear or two in my eyes!
I hope your weekend is full of sunny and crisp Fall goodness with a cup of tea and good company. Doesn't that sound nice?