The Guy Gift Guide


Is it just me, or can it sometimes be really hard to find something for guys?  I have a brother who is ultra cool and has several hobbies, but it can still be hard to find things that he will actually like sometimes because they can be so specific, like vinyl records.  My husband is very particular about the things that he wants and likes, and clothes are out of the question for him, so what do you get the guys that are super picky?  Hopefully something as cool as their personalities and not anything they will want to return or exchange!Etsy to the rescue, yet again.  The great thing about Etsy for guys is that items are unique, thanks to their handmade nature and for picky guys, unique is almost always important!So here we go... here are some of my favourite picks for men!

The Learner Observer's Etsy Gift Guide - The Guy1. Minimalist Wool Felt Wallet | 2. Men's Leather Toiletry Case | 3. Scarf with Snaps & Leather | 4. Beard Oil - Campfire Scented | 5. Personalized Folding Beard Comb | 6. iPhone Cover | 7. iPhone Stand | 8. Dots and Stripes Flask

So how's that?  Beats socks and underwear, right?!  Can I just say, I love the scents for the beard oils.  Campfire?  Should be interesting.  Also, that scarf!  I'd totally wear it, too!

Any other ideas for what to get for the men in your life?  If you want a few more, check out the Etsy Gift Guide for Guys.

For some more goodies, check the Foodie, BFF and Decorator gift guides, too!

Ohhhhh and you get more chances to enter the giveaway today!  $200 in PayPal cash up for grabs.  Just use the Rafflecopter below.  Good luck!

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The Hostess Gift Guide, The Friday Five & A Final Chance to Win $200


The Decorator Gift Guide