Home is Where Your Husband Writes Your Blog Posts
You guys, how AWESOME is my husband?!?!?! Did you read yesterday's post? He wrote it! All by himself. It started as a joke, when I said how tired I was (and I was...it was a veeeeeery tiring weekend), and he asked if I'd like him to write my blog post for me. I laughed and said "I would LOVE that" and after asking me three times if I was serious, I told him the window was already open on my laptop and to just go nuts.
That's an old picture, but seriously not an unusual sight in this house.
He did a great job, didn't he? Even writing about the theme of the series and everything!He makes a mean chili, that guy. And who doesn't love chili?Seriously, though...he knows just when to pick up the pieces, just when to lend a hand, and just when to kiss my forehead and say "Go to sleep. I know you're tired." And I don't just mean last night.I had a completely different blog post planned, but Alex's post sort of inspired me to delve a little deeper into a HUGELY important part of my home: him! Ashley Urke of Domestic Fashionista is writing her 31 Day series on serving her husband, and I have to say I kind of love how often she has professed a love for her husband that goes so much deeper than just saying it. She really makes servitude about putting your love first, not necessarily the person first, but both of you together as a unit. It's beautiful and a series TOTALLY worth reading.
Alex puts me first, and I him. We put our small family of two (ok, three if you count Luther) first in all decisions we make about our lives and our home.
He prays with and for me when I need it,
he makes me laugh when I need it,
and he wipes the tears from my face. He even writes my blog posts when I am simply too tired to open my laptop and let the words come out and my face looks like this:
It takes a special guy to love this face!
This is home. Where you can fall asleep while someone else picks up the pieces for you, even if it's just for a little while.
Focusing less on the stuff. More on the chili love!