I gave in
So it turns out I can't manage 31 straight days of blogging, but I can manage 2 posts in less than 12 hours. Awesome right? No... not so much. I guess I still haven't let it go!So what did I give in to? I made a wreath! That's right... and it's NOT a Christmas one either! HA! Crazy right? All my non-decorating/non-blogger friends are going "huh?" Well you see, as soon as Halloween is over, we get started on Christmas decor, don't we? No.... not this gal! I made a flowery, non-fall, non-Christmas wreath. And I think I'm in love! Here she is:Not bad for my first ever wreath? I kind of dig it! I even like it from the inside of our new door first thing in the morning! One of the best parts about this little circle of goodness is that it cost me about $11 (before tax for all you fellow Ontarians) to make. That may seem like a lot to you, but I had NO materials except some leftover spray paint, and my trusty hot glue gun so I think I did OK! Let me break it down.Grapevine wreath: $3 at Michael'sWooden letter "M" (pre-painted white): $2 on sale at Michael'sWhite flowers and pussy willow branches: $2 at DollaramaPurple hydrangea: $3.99 at Home SenseAnd here is how I did it. Simply put, I cut the branches for the flowers and started gluing. The hydrangea was easy - the whole thing just came off at the top and the leaf was easy to remove also. I did glue a few separate flowers in random spots to fill in some empty spots, but mostly the branches were just wrapped around the wreath and held with a little glue at the end. My wreath was less of a circle and more of an awkward oval, so I really had to play with the placement of the letter and hydrangea... so silly! I spray painted the "M" (which stands for our last name, of course) in the same shade as the thrift store lampshade. Then I glue gunned the heck out of it!
This took very little time, little effort, and almost no thinking (minus the fact I had a faulty circle). Just the kind of project I like!!
You may notice the wreath is slightly off center... Yeah, I didn't account for the weight of the "M", and it hangs funny! I'll fix it... eventually! You can really see how well that privacy film works here though!
I also didn't love the idea of a ribbon on this as it might be overkill unless it was something natural like burlap, so the wreath looks like it's attached to the door. I used a Command hook, so I can remove it from the outside of the door if I change my mind on the burlap/ribbon. Though the door is not quite finished, I'm liking the colours the wreath adds to our entrance anyway.
Here's a closer, final look. It's not perfect, and I love it!Linking up at these awesome places plus The 36th Avenue, The Shabby Creek Cottage, House of Hepworths, WhipperBerry and My Repurposed Life