So here's the thing... I gotta keep it real
So here's the thing...
I'm not going through a blogging dry-spell, and I'm certainly not feeling uninspired. I'm actually the complete opposite of all that! I have like a gazillion projects I want to work on right now and the craft supplies to prove it, but I'm not feeling the little crafty and small DIY projects. We're working on finishing our basement - 2 projects there: Alex's recording studio and revamping the scary basement washroom (possibly also laundry room [yep... that makes 3 basement projects alone]) at the same time. We're also working on landscaping the front of our house. There are plans in the works for refinishing the deck. The kitchen pantry is still waiting to be painted. Oh and have you SEEN what I did to my stairs on Instagram yet? Yep...another project on the go - ripping up carpet. It's a lot of stuff (seven projects, in case you were wondering), and you'll be seeing all of it on the blog for sure, though some of these may be a while because I have things like this to distract me:And some days I'm just too busy showing my husband where we can put furniture like this:
That's me pretend-sitting on a pretend-couch. I fake texted to make it seem more believable, duh! Just so you know, this was the day we got the keys to our house, hence the mini champagne bottle in my hand (which tasted so gross I didn't even drink it). I don't make it a habit to go around my house sipping out of champagne bottles! Also, this is THE basement before we even touched anything in it. Doesn't look so bad right? Wrong... just wait until the reveal. It'll be sooooooo good! Back to the point.
I gotta keep it real with you guys...
I don't want to just make crafty things for the sake of having images pinned, or to have something to share at link parties, or just because they're pretty. I want to be purposeful and mindful of what I make and I wanna be real about the things I share - like, I want to actually use the stuff I make, you know? So is it ok if just for a little while you put up with me sharing some grainy iPhone pictures of the madness happening at my house? And is it ok if for a little while I share links of people and things that inspire me? And finally, is it ok if both of those things happen fairly regularly on this little blog? Because I gotta say, sometimes the pressure to be perfect is too much. And that pressure doesn't just come from the ever so picky Craftgawker peeps urging me to have no text, use better cropping, or just be a better photographer in general. No, they don't help with the pressure, but neither do I. That's right... I put pressure on myself. I didn't start blogging for fame and fortune, and I certainly didn't start doing it so that I could be exactly like some other amazing bloggers out there with impeccable vignettes who do this professionally, with like REAL cameras and stuff... no, I started blogging because this little adventure of being a new home owner/wife/DIY enthusiast/dog owner is actually a HUGE adventure and I wanted to document it. That's all. Well, maybe not all, but that was how it all started. I just needed to remind myself of that a little, so... sorry you had to be part of my ramblings!If you have made it this far, here's a snippet of something I added to our home on a whim this weekend.
I will share this here, and maybe even pin it, and maybe even submit it to Craftgawker only to be rejected again... but not yet. I don't want to post something that's not totally finished just so I have something to blog about. I'm going to wait, and if you know me at all, you know how difficult of a thing that is for me to do.
Here's hoping you're more patient than I am!