Summer '17 10x10 Wardrobe
Here's a little something outside of my comfort zone - talking about clothes! Since moving into our house, we haven't had a proper closet. Seriously, it's been everything from living out of laundry baskets to using a closet in another room to using whatever looked clean enough and wasn't too wrinkled. Glamorous, right?I knew I needed a change, and unfortunately an actual closet isn't in the books anytime soon, because there are simply too many other projects on the go, but I knew I didn't want to hate everything I wore anymore, and I definitely wanted my closet to work for me a little better.A couple of years ago I tried a capsule wardrobe and it was amazing! Getting dressed was so much easier and I had a total of 45 items in my closet (not including shoes). Recently, I took the capsule wardrobe one step further and attempted a Summer 10x10 challenge. What is the 10x10? Well quite literally: 10 pieces of clothing over 10 days. It can either include shoes or not (I didn't include shoes in mine).Lee Vosburg started the 10x10 challenge as a way to push herself to try new things, and I'm so glad she did, because it's now gotten me to do the same. I also used an app to help me with this challenge. The Cladwell Outfits app lets you build your closet without actually needing to take photos of everything you own! I'm able to simply upload similar items into my virtual closet and outfits are built for me, or I can customize my own!This is what my closet looked like:
10 pieces of clothing and a few shoes - 17 items in total, but I only used 13. This was super helpful with the Summer 10x10 because it helped me to see how I could wear pieces differently.
See how close the suggested items are to what I actually own? So good!As I track outfits, the app keeps track of how often I wear things, when the last time I wore them was, and lets me scroll through all of my logged outfits.
This challenge really pushed me to try new things. I definitely repeated a few outfits (like the 2 below), but I tried new things, like wearing white pants more than once a year, mixing patterns, and trying a more focused colour palette. My clothes tended to be neutral with a mix of warm hues and blues. This made getting dressed VERY EASY!
I'll definitely try a 10x10 again, and I can't wait to do this with Fall/Winter Clothes! Using the Cladwell Outfits app was definitely a major game changer for me, and I now use it daily!If you'd like to try it, you can get 1 month for free through this link. Use code: learnerobserverIf you try it, let me know. I'll be doing more on discovering my true style, how I'm wearing things differently and shopping differently also. I didn't buy anything for this challenge other than the white pants, which were thrifted for $4 - something I want to try to do more of!Have you done a concentrated capsule wardrobe like this before? Words of advice?