Terrarium #2
So remember when I tried that first terrarium in the round fish-bowl-like container? Well I tried another one. I promised my mom I'd give her one as a gift, and since my terrarium hasn't died yet (though the ever-curious Luther did try to eat it one day), I thought it was about time to make her one. For those of you who may not have seen the first attempt, here are the directions you need to follow.Start with some rocks. It may seem silly to purchase rocks, but it's a balmy 3-5 degrees Celsius around here these days so I (guiltily) bought 2 bags at the dollar store. At least it only cost me 2 bucks, right? After rocks comes charcoal or carbon which you can find at pet stores or anywhere (like Walmart) that sells fish food or aquarium filters. Then comes the soil - pretty straight forward.I used only succulents for the terrarium. They are (apparently) easy to maintain, and like I said, I haven't managed to kill any yet, so fingers crossed!
Here is the finished product after I added the moss.
There you have it! Easy peasy terrarium. Here are some extra looks at the first terrarium and this one:
I've heard a lot of people say "Oh I want to make one." Well, I've made two. And I am NO green thumb! You can do it too!!
Linking up here.