The Friday Five: Pink, it was love at first sight
So today I bring you the Friday 5, completely focused on something I never once expected to be an obsession of mine: pink.I don't know how it started or where it came from, but I sort of blame Pinterest. It's weird how many things I have pinned that are pink. And I swore not to have pink at my wedding, and guess what colour my bridesmaids wore?Green!HAHA! Kidding. Geez... I have one awesome sense of humour, eh?Oh and if you can name the song in the title of this post, we are officially BFFs. Alright, if you can't it's ok... we're still BFFs!
Here are this week's picks:
Rule: Listen to this song while looking at pretty pink pictures (if you want...). Warning: this video is a bit weird, but this song has been stuck in my head for 2 days now, so naturally I had to share it with you!Aerosmith - Pink by Gunsnroses562Yes, this song is the first thing on the list..It's no secret that pink is the inspiration for my office colours - if you have ever seen my 'Office' Pinterest Board, you already know this... That dresser is perfection, and the desk accessories are just girlie overload!.
Get me those pink pants! Oh and while you're at it, the oxfords, too, please! The necklace I happen to own (and love) and I'm wearing it right now!.
The pink pouf that started it all... The Nester made me love pink in home decor before it got all trendy and stuff. I am in LOVE with the pink couch, but my husband would never forgive me and I have a feeling I'd live to regret that kind of decision...maybe..
Just the best. I have no idea where this is, but I love it for all its sweet innocence and naivete - the little pink house does not care that houses aren't supposed to be pink, and that's what makes it awesome!.Had enough of pink? Alright... fine. That means you now need to go check out Lauren's post The Friday Five: Knitting Without Needles. She has five more links for you to fall in love with and believe me, you will fall in love with Lauren and The Thinking Closet. It's impossible not to!
Tomorrow I have something kind of exciting happening, and there just may be something (an actual something, not just my ramblings) in it for you!!! Do come back and see it. I'm promising not to disappoint.
Happy Friday!