The REAL REAL house tour
Real life is messy, it includes crumbs and Halloween costumes and bags of random stuff sitting on the dining room table and toys basically everywhere. That's why I wanted to show you a real real house tour today, because sometimes pretty is nice to look at, but we need a moment to celebrate the realness of everyday life, as well.If you want to see pretty, I published a Fall decor house tour today, so you can head over there and see the contrast of the spaces cleaned up, versus how we live like 75% of the time.Ok, let's do this! Starting with the front entry. You can see what this looks like on a less chaotic day in my Summer tour. It's what I do when I see this and start to twitch because this level of mess drives me nuts.Ok, so truthfully, this is like the ONE space that actually seemed untouched by the toddler hurricane.
Old coffee, daycare crafts from the week before, mail we haven't opened yet...these are just a few of the things we collect on our kitchen island.
This was the week I repotted and fertilized all my plants and apparently washed a collection of mason jars?
This is such a mild version of what this area normally looks like. I'm pretty sure I took this right after they got home from daycare, so not much was actually out of place!
I kicked everyone out for a minute so I could take this.
Can't be mad when little people are quietly playing with farm animals. Even if it only lasts 4.8 seconds and I'm left with goats and chickens all over the floor... (and a rogue giraffe)
Yes, that's Luca in a bear costume. Yes, that's Jude playing with a plastic hanger.
And this is what life looks like Monday-Friday when these wild ones are home. Marquis somehow works in the middle of all the crazy!
But this face...
Ok, now let's head upstairs where all the dust bunnies and dirty laundry live...You can see a cleaned up version of this room in my Summer tour also. It cleans up nicely, I promise.
I don't even have words...
His side...
My side... Yeah, that's my bra sitting on my bedside table. This IS real life, people. I didn't even move my dang bra or dust the cobwebs off the moulding! EW!!!
And now for the kids' room, which looks like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Because they can't be trusted with couch cushions (they use them as stepstools to get at things on the dresser, light switches and the blinds).
Dirty diapers, broken clock and all.
So there you have it. My real house, with my real messes and my real family.