The Reason[s] For My Radio Silence...
Hello again, world! It has been a whopping SIX WEEKS since my last blog post. This might just be the longest blogging break I have ever taken, and it wasn't intentional, it was more like it was forced on me - but in a good way. Let me explain...May 10, 2015 (yes, Mother's Day): I had a lovely afternoon with my mom, having a late brunch and some wonderful mother-daughter conversation. I wasn't feeling well and hadn't been for days, but I kept thinking it was nothing. That day, however, I couldn't shake this weird feeling that it was more than just PMS or the weather or my diet making me feel so crummy. On my way home I bought two pregnancy tests and though I had a nice digital one at home, I didn't want to use it. You see, I had already gone through an obscene amount of expensive pregnancy tests in the last year of trying to conceive, and I was determined to only use that last one when I was sure this was the real thing. So I took two of the cheap tests... then I took the expensive one.Enter: jumping, screaming, laughing, crying. All at THE. SAME. TIME!I was home alone at this point, and Alex would not be back for at least 5 hours, so I had to sit there, patiently waiting to share our biggest, most life-changing day ever with him!When he got home, I told him a package had come for him (even though it was Sunday) and man, oh, man, he took his sweet time going to open it! His reaction was pretty priceless when he did, though, and his first words were, "What is this?" Then it sunk in and he laughed and we hugged and it was awesome.May 12, 2015: First appointment with my family doctor, blood test, pregnancy to be confirmed. At this point I was a bit tired and nauseous, but it was manageable. Baby's due date: January 10, 2016!!!May 17, 2015: We tell our parents about our news. Moms scream and cry and jump and are ultimately the happiest people ever! Dads are happy too, just without any jumping or screaming. This will officially be the first grandchild on either side of our families, so this was BIG news! We got them books as gifts and let them figure it out. Honestly, these were unforgettable moments!
May 24, 2015: After a couple of weeks of fatigue and nausea that comes and goes all day long, I have my first run-in with a bad case of morning sickness and it lasts 24 hours. I ate nothing but crackers and ramen, drank ginger ale, and spent a lot of time up close and personal with the toilet (sorry, TMI?).
May 26, 2015: I discover Sea Bands. Though I was skeptical at first, these have been a lifesaver for me so far, despite the fact that I look like I have 1980's sweat bands on...
May 27 - June 17, 2015: The exhaustion, hunger, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, and occasional vomiting have taken a toll on me. My carbohydrate diet is still going strong, especially on the days that I feel like even with the magical sweat bands, waves of nausea come and go and are so stinking strong that I have to sit and take deep breaths - not easy to do when I'm supposed to be teaching kids all day, and there have been some awkward moments, but nothing too embarrassing or scarring for either me or the students. I lie down a LOT and Alex has picked up my slack in a huge way, constantly cooking, cleaning, and generally just being amazing. Luther and I do a lot of this...
June 18, 2015: At 10 weeks pregnant, I have my first OBGYN appointment! Alex came with me and we met our doctor for the first time. We both fell in love with her immediately, which was such a relief! She gave me a few blood tests to get done and let us know we'd be getting an ultrasound that day. Alex just about jumped out of his seat with excitement! As she's moving the magic ultrasound wand around, she looks up at us and says these exact words: "I know you guys aren't experts at reading ultrasounds, but there are two babies in there!"
Enter: laughing. Yep... we BOTH started laughing. I had been joking for weeks that there must be two babies because of my insane hunger and fatigue, plus the fact that I looked like I had grown a belly overnight. I was only joking, though, but I guess mother's intuition is real??? HAHA!Needless to say we are excited, terrified, overjoyed, freaked out, shocked, and ultimately SO SO SO HAPPY with this news.So now, what? Well, I have no idea. I have been reading a lot about twin pregnancies, and sometimes it scares me, and other times it soothes me to know how crazy it's about to get. I do know this, though: planning this nursery is already super fun and we've slowly gotten started on clearing out the spare room to create a home for our babies. BABIES! You guys! Holy crap! There are 2 in there?!?!?! Sorry, sometimes I forget...If you follow along on Instagram, you may have seen this photo yesterday:
I've already picked out paint samples and we'll get started on removing the carpet to put in laminate flooring soon. Crazy, right?So mamas of the world (twin mamas, especially), if you have some words of wisdom for me, I'm all ears!I promise that just as soon as I start to feel even just a little less tired and generally awful all the time, I'll get back to blogging. Meanwhile, keep up with me over on Instagram.Love you guys!