Weekend Winners ~ 4

weekendOn a scale of 1-10, how cheesy is the name "Weekend Winners?"  Let's be serious here, folks... don't sugar coat it for me because I am SERIOUSLY considering changing the title of this weekly post to something less cheesy.  Help?Ok, here's what I found interesting this week...

Martha Stewart Knit blanketOh my.  Would you just look at that beautifully staged and wonderfully cozy-looking bed!?!  I want to be in it... This blanket looks like a fun knitted project, and though I am not a huge fan of grey and yellow, those lovely mustard lines make me want to jump on this colour combo!  This is a Martha Stewart special (no surprise here, right?), but has not gotten the nicest reviews - because this throw is so large and the wool quite heavy, the cost of making one of these bad boys (if you use Maratha's suggested materials) is in the $700 ballpark!  Yikes!! I'm sure it could be done for less though - I priced some clearance wool and got a $90 quote.  Not terrible, I guess... It makes me want to get back into knitting - the small-scale knits are easy for me, and this is a large project with several small pieces put together.  Perfect much?  I'll keep you posted on whether I ever actually start (better yet, finish) this project!


Ann Wood teacup tower - tutorialWho doesn't love a little paper mache?  Honestly... give me newspaper and glue and I will channel my inner Art Attack-loving 11-year-old self RIGHT NOW.  If you don't know what Art Attack is, you have not yet lived to the fullest.  Just saying.  Ann Wood's site has a full set of instructions on how to build these little teacups, and just a side note - they have glitter on the inside.  GLITTER!  Can this project BE any more adorable? (I'm saying this in my best Chandler Bing voice.)


awesome roomCan I just go live in there already?  I think my husband would also enjoy it - if nothing else, for the drums, piano and guitar all in one room that isn't a basement!  I just love the warmth of the room - the white, brass and wood mix is so inviting, the chandelier is just an awesome art piece, the sheepskin rug has me wishing I was laying on that floor reading one of those books on the colour-coordinated bookcase.  Look at the other photos of this room - please!  There is a stack of firewood beside the gorgeous fireplace, and the details of the brass on the grasshopper (yes, there is a brass grasshopper - want!) and the wall sconce are better seen in some of the other pictures as well.  Dreamy!


Friendship Bracelets For Your Tech Cords & CablesSeriously considering this: embroidery floss-wrapped lighting cable/laptop cable  - aka friendship bracelets for your cables!  Two days after I got my iPhone 5, Luther chewed up one end of the lightning cable.  A couple of years ago I went over my laptop cable with the vacuum and there is now some black electrical tape covering it up.  Both of these cords find themselves constantly tangled up somewhere in my house, and frankly, it needs to stop.  Could this be the perfect DIY fix?  I do believe it is!


brew cold teaIn the spirit of Spring, I felt I should share this lovely post by A Beautiful Mess because I don't know about you, but I have full intentions of having deliciously fruity iced tea this Spring/Summer.  If you don't already know and love this brand, David's Tea has seasonal loose-leaf teas and the Summer variety does not disappoint (as is true with all other seasons - hello, Red Velvet last fall?  YUM!).  I have some flavours from last Summer - strawberry, watermelon, pear... and I have had them warm, but on a nice sunny afternoon, a chilled glass of strawberry iced tea sounds delightful, doesn't it?  Let that be the thought I leave you with today :)


Hope you are having a lovely weekend!

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Weekend Winners ~ 5


A whole week? Really?