The Whole30 - Week 2 and Salad Dressing


Well hello good people of the internet! How have you been? Me? Oh you know, I've been trying to stay as far away from anything that even resembles chocolate or bread as possible.Speaking of delicious food, the Whole30 has actually been going surprisingly well!  After the migraines and extreme fatigue of week 1 passed, I actually started to feel better, except that I wasn't sleeping very well. Not sure if that's related to the challenge, but it happened around days 12-14 and it suuuuucked!  All is well now (I hope) and I've started to feel more alert, which is typical of this "Tiger Blood" phase. The strange thing is, I feel tired really early at night, so maybe something's missing from my diet? Typical meals have been as such:


1 banana and 1 tablespoon of almond butter or 2 scrambled eggs with a bit of pancetta (yep, that's allowed - no sugar!)Almond ButterIn case you're wondering and/or interested, this is the nut butter we have been eating.  See the ingredient? That's right... there's only 1: almonds!  This stuff is so delicious and makes me feel like I'm eating dessert. That being said, I try to only eat it once a day! Oh and it comes in crunchy - YUM!


Baby spinach and arugula salad with a chicken breast (usually also some avocado) and homemade dressing because almost ALL store-bought dressing has sugar and/or soy in the ingredients.  Brutal.  Yes, olive oil and balsamic vinegar are ok to eat, but I like to change it up now and then, and I make a simple dressing with a few ingredients I always have on hand:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt's honest-to-goodness good and a little tangy, which I loooove!!!  I do sometimes change up the herbs or add fresh ones.  


So many options here, and yes, I will share them all with you!  A recent fave is butternut squash and chicken curry.  It's like WHOA good!I know some of you had questions about this, so feel free to ask.  It's like the #1 topic of conversation these days wherever I go, which I totally don't mind because now that the good feelings have started, I'm happy to recommend this to just about anyone!Oh yeah, here's a little Pinterest-friendly graphic for the salad dressing!Super Simple Salad Dressing by The Learner Observer.jpgP.S. if you have a recipe you'd like to share, ummm... PLEASE do!  Ok?  Thanks!xosignature 1


Paleo Butternut Squash Chicken Curry


Big News In My Little World