Super Simple DIY: Spray-Painted Napkins


Did you know there's such a thing as spray fabric paint? It's true! And if I'm being perfectly honest, I didn't really know either until I started aimlessly roaming around the Michael's aisles and came across some. So I figured I should try it on something, and I just happened to have some cute lavender linen napkins at home, so why not experiment. Because if I'm being honest again, I basically never ever ever use linen napkins. Paper is king in my house. But for the odd special summery occasion, purple linen.Using spray ink for fabric to dye napkins for a fresh Spring or Summer look!As far as what you need for this, it's super simple. Napkins, paint (found at Michael's), and something to paint on (as in a drop cloth).Using spray ink for fabric to dye napkins for a fresh Spring or Summer look!I pretty much just sprayed the ends until about halfway up the napkin and left them out to dry in the sun. If you line up the ends of the napkins, painting is even easier and you don't waste any paint.Using spray ink for fabric to dye napkins for a fresh Spring or Summer look!Using spray ink for fabric to dye napkins for a fresh Spring or Summer look!To make sure the paint set and didn't come off on any guests, I washed the napkins. Linen means ironing, so iron I did! You'll notice the colour faded substantially. I had no idea that was going to happen or if it's supposed to, but I have to say, I like it better faded!Using spray ink for fabric to dye napkins for a fresh Spring or Summer look!Super simple, and this would make such a cute housewarming gift as well!Using spray ink for fabric to dye napkins for a fresh Spring or Summer look!Even though these don't necessarily always get used, I tend to have them out sometime in the Spring because I love the pastels together!Using spray ink for fabric to dye napkins for a fresh Spring or Summer look!Have you tried fabric spray paint before? Am I just super late to the party?


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