5-minute fix: Conditioning Wood Cutting Boards


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThat's right, folks... conditioner isn't just for your silky soft locks, but you actually need it in your kitchen! I learned this when, after a couple of months of owning two wood cutting boards, I started to notice them getting a little dull... like so

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALook at those cracks and scratches! These are some seriously sad-looking cutting boards! So I went on a mission to find the best way to condition them and lo and behold... the internet has about half a million ways you can do this, and I got a little overwhelmed. I thought about maybe trying something with coconut oil, which I use for basically everything else, but I heard (I mean read) that beeswax was pretty much ideal for something like this.

I just so happened to see this at HomeSense on one of my weekly visits and when I saw that all of the ingredients were natural, I was sold!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt was super easy to use and I finished both boards within a matter of 5 minutes. That's a win in my books!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALiterally add a dollop to a clean cloth, spread on and rub evenly onto an area of the board and let it sit for a couple of hours to soak in then wipe off any excess with a clean cloth if necessary.  I didn't have to do that - the wood just soaked everything right up!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is what you end up with! Not too shabby, right? I swear, it's like they were glowing when I finished with these.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJust a side note, I did this a few weeks ago now and the boards are still completely conditioned and looking great. I'll likely repeat the process in about a week to make sure they stay this way. Also, totally unrelated, that basil is still alive and kickin'. K, it's not kickin', but it's alive! That's impressive for this black thumb!

Now here's a little something for you pinners:

How to Condition Your Wood Cutting Boards by The Learner Observer.jpg


I strongly recommend you give this a try if you have some sad wood cutting boards. They will thank you!

Happy conditioning!

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