A Black Thumb Update and Giveaway Winners Announced!
Hi you guys!
So I hope you all had a great, restful weekend! What? It's Wednesday? Sorry... My 'weekend' happens on Sunday and Monday, which sort of explains why I completely failed to post this Monday when I promised I would... I was in weekend mode and forgot! Also, I'm totally aware that it's Wednesday and I also failed to post this Tuesday! Anyway, enough with my ramblings... Here's what you want to see!
Woo hoo!!! Congrats Emily and Michelle! I can't wait to get the prints so I can frame them and send you more goodies! Christmas is coming early, ladies!Now... I recently posted this on Instagram:
I'm at it again... trying to have actual living plants in my house. Ugh, I know... why do I bother? But I'm really hopeful for these ones. I think they might LIVE!!!
Here's my little set up:
I got two kinds of ferns and... whatever the other two are. I have no idea. All I know is they are tropical, therefore do not need direct sunlight (which is great because I get none of that in my kitchen, where they will be living), and they like water. Great. I tested them all out in their containers and got to planting. Luther tried to eat whatever was in my hands every 23 seconds, and yes, that included the dirt. That dog...
And there they are. The giant fern was a gift from my mom to put in my metal bucket (a Junction Flea purchase). I thankfully did not plant it in the bucket... I just placed it in it's original pot in there to see how it would look. I watered it, and the bucket leaked. Yep... my metal bucket is faulty. No, I wasn't shocked... it's ancient and it was $5! The rest of them look pretty good though, don't they? Oh the little one on the metal can is on the kitchen hutch.
Love the red on the edges of the leaves! I hope they stay like that... all pretty and alive!
Cross your fingers. Cross your toes. Please!!!