Cottage Dreaming & Giveaway Winner!
Good day friends!So it's about that time of the year when I start feeling like Summer is over and Back to School supplies are taking over and the sun sets a whole lot earlier than it used to! Am I right? I don't know about you, but we've had a less than stellar Summer in terms of weather, too, so it's making me daydream a little more about lazy Summer days spent in the sun complaining about the heat, because let's face it - that's exactly what we all do!I've been craving a little cottage feel in my own house to create that Summery feel, and wanted to share some of my faves with you, plus an extra little Cottage Session (!) too!Lynne Knowlton is this super cool, creative, charismatic Canuck. How'd you like THAT for alliteration? (Alliteration rocks my socks ok, people? Deal with it!) She designed a whole treehouse, and her home is absolutely Gorgeous with a capital 'G'! She's got you covered for how to make your home classy, cozy and awesome! Here's one of her many fabulous ideas: twigs as curtain rods! AAAAAAH! It's SO cool!!! She also has a treehouse retreat that she rents out. I want to go to there! (If you get this reference, I love you!)Another way to add cottage feel? Natural elements. Yep, like the twigs up there! You can add wooden elements just about everywhere and they don't have to be expensive, like flooring, for example. You can go small, and sometimes even free! I just created a little something myself which I am loving and I'll share the full deets with you later this week! Sneak peek!
One more way to get cottage awesomeness? WHITE! Yeah, I said it... my favourite colour ever ever ever in the history of colours! It can be fresh, clean, modern, and it sure as heck can be cozy and inviting like a sweet little cottage in the woods. Try it. Add some white blankets, pillows, bedding... your house will feel so fresh and so clean-clean and oh sooooo cottage-like!
See? You probably noticed Lynne really dogs the whites too, and her house, as we already established, is pretty much the best ever. Let's look at some more dreamy cottage whites with wood accents, shall we?This bedroom is dreamy to the max! The warm wood coming through the white chair, the rug, and the pale blue are perfection in the sea of white! [source]
Kitchens can get cottage love too! Adding a wicker basket and a stool are a great way to achieve that warmth, not to mention that basket would make a great place for extra dish towels! [source]
Another fantastic living room. I love the monochromatic look with a hint of green! [source]
Liz Marie has great style, and she really made this little reading nook a cozy and chic spot! So for those of you who don't necessarily want your whole house to be involved in the cottage look, a little corner is all it takes!
So my recipe for cottage is white and wood. Mix them, love them, make them as cozy and as warm as possible, and believe me - these will be great things to have in the Fall as the colder weather arrives because it'll be a sweet reminder of warmer days.Now let's chat about cottage sounds! A good friend, mentor, funny guy and super talented individual recently put out a CD called Cottage Sessions that celebrates all the good stuff about being at a cottage and then some!
So if cottage decor isn't in the books, or if it is and you want to enjoy it even more with some sweet tunes, this is it! Here's a little snippet of what you can expect to hear, and of course, you can purchase it on iTunes as well. If you're local (like GTA local), there's a whole list of places you can buy a hard copy for yourself right here on Jonathan's blog. Yeah, dude's got a blog, too! Pretty amazing. [soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] Ok now for the final bit of goodness on this post, I'll share with you the Blogiversary Giveaway winner!Congratulations, Gabby!!!! I sent you an email, so just confirm that you got it and I'll be working on your package, which I am so stinking excited to send you!!!
Thanks so much to all of you for entering. Just wanted to add that....I decided to give away two packages. So another random winner was picked!Congrats to Al for being the second winner!!!!
Woo hoo! I figured 2 winners for 2 years seems about right, right?Ladies, just get back to me in the next couple of days and you're all set!!Have a great Tuesday, you guys! See you back here in a couple for a sweet and drifty tutorial!